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Becoming a Composer 成為作曲家
Becoming a Composer 成為作曲家

Tue, 15 Aug



Becoming a Composer 成為作曲家

激發你的音樂細胞,用 Garage Band 或 Logic Pro 編寫自己的歌曲 Write your own songs using Garage Band or Logic Pro

Time & Location

15 Aug 2023, 2:00 pm – 22 Aug 2023, 4:00 pm

HKAPA, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

About the Event

無論你是Rock友還是文青,喜歡pop還是古典音樂,一齊來參加我們的作曲編曲工作坊,學習如何使用 Garage Band 或 Logic Pro 編寫歌曲,送一首歌給自己! 歡迎任何音樂程度的朋友參加!

Whether you like rock, acoutics, pop or classical music, join us for our music composition workshop! You will learn how to write your own song using iPad Garage Band or Google Music Lab. No prior musical knowledge is required. 

日期 Date │15/8/2023 (二 Tue) & 22/8/2023 (二 Tue)

時間 Time│2pm-4pm

地點 Venue │香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

費用 Fee│Free 全免

名額 Quota│ 12

報名 Registration│請按此

截止報名 Deadline of registration│1/8/2023  (二 Tue)

查詢 Enquiries│ / 2584 8703

備註 Remarks:

1. 活動公開予《演藝青年之友》會員參加,可於活動報名表中同時登記成為會員。The activity is open to Young Friends members. You may register for membership on the activties registration form.

2. 工作坊以廣東話進行。The workshop is conducted in Cantonese

3. 請自備裝有Garage Band 或 Logic Pro 的電腦或iPad。Please bring your own laptop or iPad with Garage Band or Logic Pro installed.


梁恩庭 Leung Yan-ting, Tiffany


梁氏曾獲選為香港藝術館主旋律創作計劃「未開館 先開鑼!」二十一位入圍作曲家之一。梁氏在垂誼樂社「作品徵集」中勝出,參與大館的駐場藝術家計劃,並為大館創作《大館》一曲。梁氏的中樂作品《過》和《啟航》分別入選香港中樂團的「網上中樂節 - 新韻傳音」和「心樂集」。

Leung Yan-ting, Tiffany graduated at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, where she studied composition under the tutelage of Dr. Cheung Pui-shan and Dr. Jade Yau. Leung is also a recipient of the Lion Club Music Charity Scholarship, Tom Lee Music Scholarship and Musicus Society Trey Lee Scholarship.

Leung was one of the 21 candidates shortlisted for the ‘Sig. Tune for the HKMoA: Creative Music Programme’, organised by the Hong Kong Museum of Art in 2019. Leung was selected as a winner of the Call for Scores and participated in the artist residency program at Tai Kwun. Her work ‘End’ and ‘Set Sail’ were selected in ‘HKCO Net Festival - With New Tunes, We Connect’ and ‘Music from the Heart’.

*香港演藝學院保留一切更改活動內容、日期及時間的權利。名額有限,先到先得。The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts reserves the right to amend the content and schedule of the programme. Places are allocated on first-come-first-served basis.

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