Fri, 08 Apr
Becoming a Composer 成為作曲家
Write your own song using an iPad or Google Music Lab 用iPad或Google Music Lab編寫你的歌曲
Time & Location
08 Apr 2022, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
About the Event
Ever felt intimidated by the task of songwriting? Don't. It is fun and simpler than you think. Join us for a 2-hour songwriting sesison. You will learn how to write your own song using iPad Garage Band or Google Music Lab. No prior musical knowledge is required. Enjoy!
You may choose either session on 8 April 2022 (Fri) or 22 April 2022 (Fri).
你對創作歌曲感到困難嗎?其實比你想像的有趣且簡單。參加我們的 2 小時的作曲編曲工作坊,你將學習如何使用 iPad Garage Band 或 Google Music Lab 編寫自己的歌曲。任何音樂程度的朋友均可參加!
你可選擇參與8/4/2022 (五)或22/4/2022 (五)。
Date 日期│Class A: 8/4/2022 (Fri五); Class B: 22/4/2022 (Fri五)
Time 時間│2pm-4pm
Fee 費用│Free 全免
Registration 報名│請按此
Deadline of registration 截止報名│Class A: 6/4/2022; Class B 20/4/2022
Enquiries 查詢│
Remarks 備註:
1. The workshop is open to Young Friends members. Register here. 工作坊公開予《演藝青年之友》會員參加,立即按此成為我們的一份子。
2. The workshop is conducted in Cantonese 工作坊以廣東話進行
*The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts reserves the right to amend the content and schedule of the programme. Places are allocated on first-come-first-served basis. 香港演藝學院保留一切更改活動內容、日期及時間的權利。名額有限,先到先得。