Thu, 07 Apr
Future Playwright 我要做編劇
Turn your imagination into a story 把你的想像力變成故事
Time & Location
07 Apr 2022, 2:00 pm – 14 Apr 2022, 5:00 pm
About the Event
Do you have a story you want to tell? Do you have interesting characters you want to flesh out? Join us for this 6-hour intensive scriptwriting workshop where we help you turn your imagination and ideas into a play. You will learn the basics of scriptwriting for the stage, what makes a good play, try your hand of scriptwriting and receive feedback from an award-winning scriptwriter. All are welcome!
你有想訴說的故事嗎?你有想塑造的角色嗎?參加我們的 6 小時劇本創作工作坊,將幫助你把想像和想法變成戲劇。你將學習舞台劇本創作的基礎知識,如何編寫出色的劇本,嘗試創作自己的劇本!
Date 日期│7/4/2022 (Thu 四) & 14/4/2022 (Thu 四)
Time 時間│2pm-5pm
Fee 費用│Free 全免
Registration 報名│請按此
Deadline of registration 截止報名│5/4/2022
Enquiries 查詢│
Remarks 備註:
1. The workshop is open to Young Friends members. Register here. 工作坊公開予《演藝青年之友》會員參加,立即按此成為我們的一份子。
2. The workshop is conducted in Chinese 工作坊以中文進行
*The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts reserves the right to amend the content and schedule of the programme. Places are allocated on first-come-first-served basis. 香港演藝學院保留一切更改活動內容、日期及時間的權利。名額有限,先到先得。