Thu, 13 Jul
|Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
「鼓動心弦 連結世界」 —如心賞樂音樂會 CCG Hearts Concert
Time & Location
13 Jul 2023, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
About the Event
「香港鼓樂節」踏入20周年,華懋集團首度與香港中樂團攜手呈獻 「鼓動心弦 連結世界」系列活動,盼於新冠疫情後,以澎湃鼓聲線上線下為社會各階層市民注入正能量。是次 「鼓動心弦 連結世界」 —如心賞樂音樂會特別預留少量門票予《演藝青年之友》會員參加,費用全免,報名從速!
As the Hong Kong Drum Festival celebrates its 20th Anniversary, Chinachem Group (the Group) and the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO) are joining hands for the first time to present a series of activities titled “One Beat, One World: Connecting Through the Drum". The aim is to infuse society with positivity through the sound of drumming, both online and offline, in the wake of the recent epidemic.
Young Friends members can now reserve exclusive complimentary tickets for the CCG Hearts Concert. Register now!
日期 Date: 13/7/2023 (四 Thursday)
音樂會時間 Concert time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm (請於演出前15分鐘到達 Please arrive 15 minutes before the show starts)
地點 Venue: 香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
領取門票安排 Ticket collection:當日開場前於表演場地領取,詳情將以電郵個別通知。Tickets are available to pick up at the venue on the day of the performance. Participants will be informed of the arrangement via email.
截止報名日期 Registration deadline: 10/7/2023
報名 Registration: 請按此 Please click here