7月 July 2023
Theatre and Entertainment Arts Exhibition Guided Tour & Workshop 漫遊舞台及製作藝術作品展導賞團及工作坊
Enhance your understanding of the creative process through hands-on practice 學習簡單的舞台創作技巧
Time & Location
7月 July 2023
HKAPA, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
About the Event
The 2-hour guided tour and workshop aims to stimulate the participating students to understand the basic concept of set & costume design. From theory to practice, the facilitator will share skills of set model making, installation, and story-telling through set and space. Costume design workshop will also provide for students to design their own costume by using different materials.
活動共兩小時; 包括45分鐘的展覽導賞及75分鐘的工作坊。學生可在導賞員的帶領下欣賞由本屆舞台及製作藝術學院畢業學生製作的作品,了解各種設計意念、製作過程及技巧等。之後學生更可參加戲服工作坊中,學習應用各種物料,創作具個人特色的舞台服飾。
Participants│School students and teachers
Date│July 2023
Time│To be announced
Venue│Studio Theatre, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Registration │https://forms.gle/n33mvQkqqWTwSamB6
Deadline of registration│To be announced
Enquiries│2584 8703 / srce@hkapa.edu
日期│2023年7 月
地點│香港演藝學院 實驗劇場
查詢│2584 8703 / srce@hkapa.edu
*是次《演藝之旅2022/23》活動承蒙華懋集團贊助 This Creative Journey 2022/23 activity is sponsored by Chinachem Group