Tue, 29 Mar
Yoga at Home 在家做瑜伽
Stretch your body and invigorate your mind 舒展你的身心靈
Time & Location
29 Mar 2022, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
About the Event
Feeling stuck at home during the pandemic? Time to refresh your mind and body. Join us for an one-hour Yoga session for a relaxing afternoon. You will learn during this yoga practice that involves movement, meditation, and breathing techniques which promote your mental and physical well-being.
You may choose to join both sessions or either one session.
Date 日期│22/3/2022 (Tue 二) & 29/3/2022 (Tue 二)
Time 時間│2pm-3pm
Fee 費用│Free 全免
Registration 報名│請按此
Deadline of registration 截止報名│21/3/2022 & 28/3/2022
Enquiries 查詢│ srce@hkapa.edu
Remarks 備註:
The workshop is open to Young Friends members. Register here. 工作坊公開予《演藝青年之友》會員參加,立即按此成為我們的一份子。
*The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts reserves the right to amend the content and schedule of the programme. Places are allocated on first-come-first-served basis. 香港演藝學院保留一切更改活動內容、日期及時間的權利。名額有限,先到先得。