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《海珠灣》粵劇演出 HKAPA Chinese Opera Pearl Bay

國家藝術基金2024年度傳播交流推廣資助項目 ─ 粵劇《海珠灣》巡演,將於2025年1月於香港演藝學院廖湯慧靄戲劇院舉行3場演出。本劇由香港演藝學院戲曲學院講師參與編寫及製作,畢業生及學生將參與演出。


Pearl Bay, a celebrated Cantonese Opera Performance, will rerun during 16-18 Jan 2025.

An original Cantonese opera written by the Academy’s instructor, Pearl Bay is a pioneer and innovative production in many ways.  Unlike many traditional Cantonese operas that are romantic and heroic stories about men and women in the past, it is ecologically themed to depict people’s interdependence with the ocean based on a creative core of environment protection and conservation.    In order to create a stronger sense of theatrical drama in the mythical story, vocal are also creatively designed with adaptation from the traditional melisma. 

In 2024, the production had received financial support from the China National Arts Fund in recognition of its innovative approach for the sustainable development of traditional heritage.  As part of the Academy’s 40th Anniversary Celebration, the rerun will be held with free admission.

日期 Date│16,17/1/2025 (四,五 Thurs, Fri)

時間 Time7:30 pm

日期 Date│18/1/2024 (六 Sat)

時間 Time│2:30pm

地點 Venue│香港演藝學院廖湯慧靄戲劇院 Rita Tong Liu Drama Theatre, HKAPA

費用 Fee│全免 Free

報名 Registration│ 請按此Please click here

截止報名 Deadline of registration│3/1/2025(Fri)

查詢 Enquiries│2584 8703 / 5793 0979 /


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