你會選擇平淡安穩,還是勇敢追夢?「戲劇進行中 – 音樂劇總綵排」即將於6月5日晚上7時30分舉行上演外百老匯搖滾音樂劇《夢想期限 tick, tick… BOOM!》,為著名音樂劇作家Jonathan Larson的半自傳式音樂劇,歡迎你親臨演藝學院欣賞。
《夢想期限tick, tick... BOOM!》是著名音樂劇《Rent》創作人 Jonathan Larson的半自傳式音樂劇,於2001在外百老匯首演,其後在在倫敦西區公演,近年更被改編成荷李活電影。故事設於1990年的紐約,主角Jonathan是一位音樂劇作曲家,他的女朋友Susan渴望結婚搬離紐約,兒時好友Michael則已經放棄演員夢想,轉行並賺了大錢,而他卻還在餐廳兼職當侍應,苦候自己在音樂劇界闖出名堂的一天。面對現實和夢想的掙扎,最終他會如何抉擇?
How would you choose between a stable life and pursuing your dreams? Discovering the Drama Space: Musical Open Dress Rehearsal will present the off-Broadway rock musical tick, tick... BOOM! On 5 June (Mon) at 7:30pm. Reserve your seats now!
tick, tick... BOOM! is an autobiographical musical by the late musical writer Jonathan Larson. It premiered off-Broadway in 2001 and later opened in London’s West End. Recently, it has been adapted to film. Set in 1990’s New York, Jonathan is a musical composer working part-time as a waiter waiting for his big break. His girlfriend Susan wanted to get married and move away from New York. His best friend has given up on acting and is earning big money in marketing. At the junction of life, what would be his choice?
This production is performed by the students of the School of Drama from the Academy. Don’t miss the chance to watch this exhilarating rock musical!