In June, we invited our members to attend the Open Dress Rehearsal of the classic musical farce Lucky Stiff at the Academy presented by the students from the School of Drama. We were delighted to hear a lot of laughter during the two-hour musical. Some of them also joined our pre-show workshop online or at their secondary school to gain better understanding and experience of musical. They all had a great time.
Lucky Stiff於1988在外百老匯首演,同年贏得Richard Rodgers Award,並於1997年在倫敦西區公演。男主角Harry生活潦倒,突然得到素未謀面的叔叔的豐厚遺產,但條件是要帶着他的遺體前往度假。Harry滿心歡喜之際,卻遇上一群對遺產虎視耽耽的人……
Lucky Stiff premiered off-Broadway in 1988 and won the Richard Rodgers Award in the same year. It ran in London’s West End in 1997. The protagonist Harry leads a mundane life until one day he receives the unexpected news - he has inherited his late uncle’s legacy on the condition that he takes the dead body on a holiday. Little does he know that many people are after that legacy.