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Meet the Clown in You Workshop「戲劇小丑工作坊」 立即報名

Young Friends of the Academy brings you the summer holidays special Meet the Clown in You Workshop! You will have a chance to visit the Drama Blackbox at HKAPA and discover the clown in you. Register now to learn more about modern clown theater, and most important of all, to have fun and be free!

暑假終於來了!來個真人見面活動好嗎?《演藝青年之友》首個實體會員限定活動—Meet the Clown in You 戲劇小丑工作坊,帶大家來到香港演藝學院黑盒子劇場,讓你和內心的小丑「做個friend」,仲可以認識好多新朋友,一齊享受舞台上無拘無束的表演樂趣!費用全免,立即把握機會報名

活動詳情 Details

Date 日期│23/8/2022 (Tue二)

Time 時間│1pm-3pm

Venue地點│ Drama Blackbox, HKAPA 香港演藝學院黑盒子


Fee 費用│Free 全免

Quota 名額│15 (*先到先得 on first-come, first-served basis)

Deadline截止報名│19/8/2022 (Fri五)

導師 Facilitator

Recent creations involve Mask theatre, European Clown (Physical Comedy), Object theatre and puppet theatre.


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