Drama Delight 演有Feel
播映日期 Date:
21/3/2022 (一 Mon)
節目內容 Programme:
1. 演藝同學會 - 香港藝發局年度藝術家獎得主 甄詠蓓
Radio interview with Olivia Yan, Artist of the Year, Hong Kong Arts Development Awards
2. 香港演藝學院戲劇學院畢業班展演 2020
HKAPA School of Drama Graduates' Showcase 2020
Approx. 150 mins
節目簡介 Programme Details
演藝同學會 - 香港藝發局年度藝術家獎得主 甄詠蓓
Radio interview with Olivia Yan, Artist of the Year, Hong Kong Arts Development Awards
資深劇場工作者甄詠蓓(Olivia)畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院,擁有豐富的戲劇演出、創作及劇團營運經驗,參與創作及演出的作品無數。Olivia接受同為演藝學院校友的著名DJ 啤梨(葉文輝)專訪,大談怎樣從戲劇了解人生。
Olivia Yan graduated from the School of Drama of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). She has ample experience in acting, creative and operating a drama company. In her interview with DJ Barry Ip, a fellow alumnus of HKAPA, Olivia talks about how she understands life through drama.
香港演藝學院戲劇學院畢業班展演 2020
HKAPA School of Drama Graduates' Showcase 2020
Every year, graduating Drama students put together a Graduates’ Showcase, in which each of them will take to the stage to present a piece selected by themselves. This year, faced with the challenges brought by the pandemic, the Graduates’ Showcase 2020 will go online for the first time – with each work turned into a short video: works include self-written monologues, adapted monologues, excerpts from plays, musicals, and directing works etc. Faculty and students from the School of Drama have pulled in all their creativity and resources into this, enjoy!