7/9/2022 - 24/9/2022
TEA Graduate Exhibition 舞台及製作藝術作品展
Time & Location
7/9/2022 - 24/9/2022
About the Event
The exhibition displays the creative works of the students of the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts created for the Academy’s major productions in collaboration with the Schools of Chinese Opera, Dance, Drama and Music. Come and be fascinated by the creativity of talented students!
Theatre Design Department
日期 Date:7-13/9/2022
時間 Time:12pm-9pm
地點 Venue:香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA
Media Design & Technology Department and the Technical Production & Management Department
日期 Date:9-24/9/2022
時間 Time:12pm-9pm
地點 Venue:香港演藝學院 實驗劇場Academy Studio Theatre, HKAPA
*是次《舞台及製作藝術作品展》屬自由參觀性質,不包括導賞團或工作坊。Visitors are free to walk around this TEA Graduate Exhibition. Guided tours or workshops are not available at this event.