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ABOUT HKAPA 關於香港演藝學院
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, established by Government Ordinance in 1984, is a leading tertiary institution in performing arts in Asia. It provides professional and practice-based diploma, advanced diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The study encompasses Chinese Opera, Dance, Drama, Film and Television, Music, and Theatre and Entertainment Arts. Its educational philosophy reflects the cultural diversity of Hong Kong with an emphasis on Chinese and Western traditions, and interdisciplinary learning.
香港演藝學院於 1984 年依據香港政府條例成立,是亞洲首屈一指的表演藝術高等學府,提供實踐為本的文憑、高級文憑、學士及碩士課程,學習範疇包括中國戲曲、舞蹈、戲劇、電影電視、音樂、舞台及製作藝術。學院的教育方針著重反映香港的多元文化,中西兼容,更提倡跨學科學習。

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