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嘉賓 Guest:
馮振超 Danny Fung
Chief Operations Officer of Most Kwai Chung Limited

簡介 About
日期 Date:
10/8/2023 (四 Thu)
時間 Time:
15:00 - 17:00
地點 Venue:
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
語言 Language:
廣東話 Cantonese
參加資格 Eligibility:
所有會員 All members
嘉賓簡介 About the Guest
馮振超 Danny Fung
Chief Operations Officer of Most Kwai Chung Limited
Danny Fung boats 25 years of all-round experience in the media, from editorial to corporate management. Before joining Most Kwai Chung Limited as Chief Operations Officer in 2022, he was a co-founder of local free newspaper am730 and gained hands-on experience in and understanding of the local media landscape, from traditional media (television, radio and newspaper) to new media (App development and social media marketing). In previous roles as senior management in local corporations, he oversaw large-scale corporate social responsibility programmes. He is also a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.