Dance Masterclass

嘉賓 Guest:
黃狄文 Dominic Wong
城市當代舞蹈團 副藝術總監
Associate Artistic Director, City Contemporary Dance Company

大師班簡介 About the Masterclass
Whether you are a new dancer who wants to learn about dance or an experienced dancer who is seeking a breakthrough, you are welcome to come and learn from Dominic. You will learn about your body and how to use your body through dance. Enjoy the joy of dancing!

日期 Date:
15/7/2023 (六 Sat)
時間 Time:
10:00 - 13:00
地點 Venue:
香港演藝學院 舞蹈室
Dance Studio, HKAPA
語言 Language:
廣東話 Cantonese
名額 Quota:
參加資格 Eligibility:
中四或以上會員 Members in Secondary 4 or above
對舞蹈有興趣 Interested in dance
能順暢地完成簡單肢體動作 Can perform simple body movements smoothly
服飾 Attire:
舒適運動服、赤腳 Comfortable sports clothes, bare feet
需除下所有飾物 Remove all accessories
戴眼鏡者建議佩戴隱形眼鏡 Advisable to wear contact lens
備註 Remarks:
大師班舉行前兩星期已報名的會員會收到個別通知,請按指示回答簡單問題 Members who registered will receive individual notification two weeks prior to the Masterclass. Please answer a few questions according to the instructions.
如報名人數超額,大會將進行遴選 If the registration is full, the participants will be selected.
嘉賓簡介 About the Guest
黃狄文 Dominic Wong
曾任亞洲電視節目主持及演員,及後入讀香港演藝學院現代舞系。1996年畢業後加入CCDC為舞者,2016年擢升為副藝術總監。2001年及2013年分別憑《Plaza X 與異變街道》及《畸人說夢》的演出獲頒香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚男舞蹈員」。黃氏為00合創辦成員之一,亦曾為00合、霹靂啪勒身體劇場及東邊現代舞團編舞。2003年於CCDC《失驚無神夢驚魂》中發表《男人炒飯》,其鬼馬抵死之風格大受好評,並獲邀於翌年首屆廣東現代舞週上演。其他編舞作品包括《歡樂今宵》(2007)、《忽然四季》(2008)、《下一秒》(2009)、《崩城故事》 (2010)、《別有洞天》(2012)、《思纏想後》(2014)、《拼途》(2016)及 合家歡當代舞劇場《小王子》(2017)。《忽》及《別》首演後分別獲邀於第六屆及第九屆廣東現代舞週中上演。《忽》及《下》分別於2008及2009年獲南華早報評選為「全年最佳舞蹈」;《拼途》獲香港舞蹈年獎2017「傑出中型場地舞蹈製作」獎。
Dominic Wong was a TV artist for Asia Television Company from 1990 to 1992. He studied modern dance in The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He joined CCDC after his graduation in 1996 and was promoted as Associate Artistic Director in 2016. He received 2001 and 2013 Hong Kong Dance Awards “Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer” for his performance in Plaza X and The Comedy of K respectively. He is one of the founding member of the Zero Zero Ensemble. Wong’s choreographic work Men’s Chop Suey (All of A Sudden, 2003) was invited to rerun in the 1st Guangdong Modern Dance Festival. He also choreographed widely for other dance companies including Zero Zero Ensemble, BiLiBaLa Physical Theatre and E-Side Modern Dance Company. Other choreographic works include E.Y.T. (2007), Xtremely Four Seasons (2008), What’s Next? (2009), Punk Side Story (2010), Blind Chance (2012), Second Thoughts (2014), Travelogue (2016) (previous title: Little Pieces), The Little Prince (2017), Day After Day in Season(s) (2018) and The Odyssey of Little Dragon (2019). Xtremely Four Seasons and Blind Chance were invited to rerun in the 6th and 9th Guangdong Modern Dance Festival. Xtremely Four Seasons and What’s Next? were both hailed by South China Morning Post as one of the “Best Dances” in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Travelogue was awarded the Outstanding Medium Venue Production at The 19th Hong Kong Dance Awards.